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Program information

The Killer Sudoku Solver is an application to create/edit/solve your own killer sudokus.
The computer will show you all possible solutions.
Common rules are used.
It is free for noncommercial use and comes with absolutly no warranty!
Use at your own risk!

Some notes

System Requirements

  • Win XP/7/8
  • 1 GHz Processor
  • 5 MB (really, so much) free space on HDD
  • up to 20 MB free RAM


This is a QT 4.2 Application for Windows in 32 Bit.
It uses just one worker thread (had not more cores at this time).
I stopped the development of the user interface in 2011, the solving algorithm is still going on.
When I started in 2010, there was no word about QML, so later I had no delight to convert the UI.

Information for publisher's

Interested in unique Killersudokus?
Write us some lines ...

Download the current version here! !

How it works

1. Let the program work for you

It is really simple:

Step 1

Press the Generate-Button.
It will generate a killer sudoku with an area size up to 5.

Step 2

Click on the Check! Button.
After a while it will show you the possible solution(s).

2. Create it manually

Open the KSudokuSolver.exe
Step 1. Use CTRL + left mouse click to mark a connected area.

Step 2. Click with into the field Sum and type in the sum.

Optionally you can double click a cell and select the sum in the small sums dialog
The selected sum will be filled in, so you do not have to press "set"

Step 3. Click on Set.
The area is shown colored now.

Continue with steps 1-3 until there are no white spaces.

Press Check.

After the computer finished, the count of solutions is shown in a message box.
When quitting the message box, the program switches to the first solution.
You can switch between the solutions and the draft mode by using <- and ->.
You may overdraw an existing area, but you will have to enter the sum for all affected areas.
The SVG-Button exports the current project to an SVG-File.
If you want to save the image without solution, press <- until this button is deactivated.
Try out the samples !

At this time there may be one memory leak in the application, so if it uses too much memory, close the application and reopen it.
Currently it supports only sizes of 9 x 9 fields.

Just click the following link to get the current version of the Killer Sudoku Solver

Download and Donate!

Download the current Killersudoku Solver